Shaving Head & Taking the Precepts

Enter Hall Three Sequences on Hall Bell

When the time comes, the Bell officer begins to ring the hall bell.
Starting bell - Medium, Medium, Small, Large.

first sequence
Having finished preparations for ceremony, Ring bell progressively faster with hall prefect's signal.
End of bell - Large.

second sequence
Hall assemblies enter the hall during second sequence, Ring bell progressively faster with last monk seating position.
End of bell - Small, Large.

third sequence
Ring bell progressively faster with ordinand's parents sitting the position.
End of bell - Medium, Small, Large.

Entering hall to seven rings of bell

Ordaining master enters hall to seven rings of bell.

Hall Entering Three Prostrations

Ordaining master advances before buddha, burns incense.
When ordaining master has finished burning incense and bows in gassho, assistant begins to ring hand-bell, slowly ringing one series.
All together make three prostrations, after which great assembly takes seats on sitting cloths.
Ordaining master sits on chair.

Purify Ritual Site

Ordaining master begins by sprinkling water to purify ritual site.

Ordinand Entering Hall

Next, acolyte leads ordinand (person who is to take precepts) before buddha (Ordinand should be dressed in white robes.).

Ordinand Burns Incense and Make Three Prostrations

Ordinand before buddha, has him/her burn incense and make three prostrations. Next, has him/her advance before ordaining master, burn incense and make three prostrations, then kneels upright(Or sitting upright is acceptable.).


Ordaining master takes up handled censer, burns incense, quietly intones following invocation:

namu jip-po butsu
namu jip-po ho
namu jip-po so
namu daion kyōshu honshi shaka muni butsu
namu reki dai soshi bosatsu
namu kōso jo yo daishi
namu taiso jo sai daishi
onajiku kangō wo tare
tomoni shōmyō wo nashi tamae

(recite three times, burning incense each time.)
Next, ordaining master strikes precepts clappers once and intones:
I humbly invite the great assembly to mindfully recite.
Thereupon, great assembly chants Ten Buddha Names in unison.

Verse of Worship and Praise

Next, ordaining master strikes precepts clappers three times, intones following Verse of Worship and Praise, after which monks of great assembly chant Ten Buddha Names in unison.

When chanting is finished, ordaining master strikes precepts clappers twice; ordinand makes one prostration and stand.


Acolyte leads ordinand before parental tablets, or before parents themselves if they are in attendance, and has him/her make one prostration. Next, make three prostrations before buddha, return to original place and make three prostrations before ordaining master, then kneel upright and gassho. Assistant begins by parting ordinand's hair in middle and tying it up in two knots, right and left.
Ordaining master lifts razor, chants opening line of following verse; monks of great assembly join in chanting from second line; together they intone verse three times in succession.
This same procedure is followed for each of the other verses given below, as well.
(However, Verse of Seeking the Way, which begins "When a bodhisattva...," is different):
When this has been chanted three times, ordaining master sprinkles head of ordinand with fragrant decoction, begins shaving, then hands razor to someone else (acolyte) to continue shaving. While that is going on, ordaining master chants following verse, joined by monks of great assembly: Ordaining master then chants another verse, as follows, joined by monks of great assembly, continuing chanting until tonsure is finished:
* The photo to be attached to the application of occasional observances must be of the ordinand wearing a white robes, to take a picture of the shave at this time.

Giving Long Robe

When tonsure is finished, leaving only the tuft (last single clump of hair), ordaining master gives long robe and has ordinand put in on.Ordinand dons long robe and makes three prostrations, then kneels upright. Ordaining master raises razor a second time, questions ordinand as follows:
"The final clump of hair is called the tuft; only a buddha can cut it off. I am now going to remove it; do you permit this or not?"
Ordinand replies, "I permit it."
Question and answer are repeated in this way three times, after which topknot (final topknot of hair) is shaved off.
At this point, ordaining master initiates chanting of Verse of Disfigurement; monks of great assembly join in this:
(The topknot may be shaved off by ordaining master or by Acolyte.)
Ordinand burns incense and makes three prostrations, kneels upright and gasshos.

Giving Dharma Name

At this point, ordaining master reads dharma name certificate on which name given upon going forth from household life is written, then gives it to ordinand.

Giving Sitting Cloth, Robes and Bowls

Ordaining master picks up sitting cloth, censes it and gives it.Disciple receives it and raises it above his/her head. Assistant instructs disciple to intone following words:
"Bodhisattvas, great beings, please give your single-minded attention. I, the disciple now receive and keep this sitting cloth, made to measure, that it may always protect my robes."

Disciple repeats this three times.(Procedure for three censings and three recitations -- i.e. giving sitting cloth, robes, and bowls -- is same in each case.)
When finished, spreads out sitting cloth and makes three prostrations, again kneels upright and gasshos.
Ordaining master intones words "Verse of Sitting Cloth"; monks of great assembly join in chanting:
Next, ordaining master gives five-panel robe. Disciple intones following words:
"Bodhisattvas, great beings, please give your single-minded attention. I, the disciple receive and hold this andae robe, which is a five-panel robe, a pieced robe with one long and one short [piece of cloth in each panel]."
Disciple immediately dons robe, makes three prostrations, kneels upright and gasshos.
Next, ordaining master gives seven-panel robe. Disciple intones following words:
"Bodhisattvas, great beings, please give your single-minded attention. I, the disciple receive and hold this uttara robe, which is a seven-panel robe, a pieced robe with two long and one short [piece of cloth in each panel]."
Disciple dons seven-panel robe, makes three prostrations, kneels upright and gasshos.(First take off five-panel robe and set it on side stand.)
Next, ordaining master gives nine-panel robe. Disciple intones following words:
"Bodhisattvas, great beings, please give your single-minded attention. I, the disciple receive and hold this sōgyari robe, which is a nine-panel robe, a pieced robe with two long and one short [piece of cloth in each panel]."
Disciple takes nine-panel robe, receives it by placing on head, then sets it on side stand, makes three prostrations, kneels upright and gasshos.
When finished giving three robes, ordaining master intones following verse, joined by monks of great assembly:
When verse has been recited three times, disciple makes three prostrations, kneels upright and gasshos.

Next, precept master gives nested bowls(oryoki). Disciple intones following words:
"Bodhisattvas, great beings, please give your single-minded attention. I, the disciple now receive and hold these bowls, these vessels of the appropriate amount, that I may always use them."
Ordaining master chants following verse, joined by monks of great assembly:
When chanting of verse is finished, disciple makes three prostrations, stands with sitting cloth still spread on floor.